Monthly Archives: October 2015

Chris–Let’s get back to IT!

OK–so, done with Margaret Atwood.  Pretty good books, although the story truly does peak with Oryx & Crake and then winds down.  but still–very good reads.

Now, back to King with IT.


This is a HUGE book, spanning several decades, with a ton of characters.  And it jumps around.  A lot.  I’m only a few pages in, and it’s all over the place.  This has one of the scariest intros to any of King’s books.  Like most of the rest of these, the last time that I read this was probably 25 years ago or so.  So I’m very fuzzy on what’s what.  But let’s get into IT!

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Posted by on October 18, 2015 in Uncategorized


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Chris–Random Update

Ok, so last weekend I went into a used bookstore or two and came away with nice hardcovers of Margaret Attwood’s The Year of the Flood and MaddAddam, the follow-ups to her seriously awesome Oryx & Crake.


I must step away from Stephen King for a minute.  Or three.  We’ll see.  BUT, as soon as I’m done with these, we’re right back at it with… IT.

In the meantime, The Running Man is real!!  Just without the death and destruction… at least, not yet…

“Hunted” coming to CBS

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Posted by on October 3, 2015 in Uncategorized


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