
07 Jun

So, I actually finished up Different Seasons several weeks ago, and jumped right into Pet Semetary, even before I posted by Seasons wrap-up.  If you don’t know (and this isn’t spoiling anything), the cat in Pet Semetary dies.  I mean, the title of the book is PET SEMETARY, the little girl has a cat, the family lives on a seriously busy rural highway that has “used up a lot of pets.”  So OF COURSE the cat dies.

I had just gotten to the part in the book where little Ellie Creed suddenly realizes that cats die, and that her cat could die, and just how unfair that all is…  and then our cat got sick.  And this was the kind of sick where you know how it’s going to end.

So I’ve stepped away from King for the moment, and have buried myself in some Terry Pratchett.  I’ll be back to King soon, but I needed some time off.

Thanks for sticking around.

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Posted by on June 7, 2015 in Uncategorized


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