Monthly Archives: December 2014

Our Year With The King

I’ve never really gotten into doing New Year’s resolutions. I don’t have anything against them, I just have never felt a strong drive to make and keep one. This year, however, my wife came up with a challenge: “Why don’t we read all of Stephen King’s novels this year?” Oooohhh… NOW we’re on to something.
This I can get on board with! We are both big King fans, and since I like hardcovers, and she prefers paperbacks, we already have multiple copies of a lot of his books. And there are still a few that we don’t have copies of, so there’s an excuse to go book shopping (yay!). Some of these books I haven’t read in years and years (like Carrie), some of them I have just read (like Revival), and there are some that I have never picked up (like Delores Claiborne), so there’s a good mix of books there. We’re going to go in publication order, starting with Carrie tomorrow. And we’ll check in now and then with progress, thoughts, and reviews.

So please, join us for our Year with the King!

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Posted by on December 31, 2014 in Uncategorized